[1] Table of contents for 'New Amusement' are avalaible on Hong Kong Literature Database of The Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong Library.
New Life Evening Post
Editors -
Liang Kuan (Liang Houfu)
Liu Jie
Lu Haian
Gao Xiong (Gao Dexiong)
Chen Ji
Liang Xiaozhong
Fang Longxiang
Date of Publication
Frist issue avaliable
Frist issue avaliable
Date of Publication
Last issue avaliable
Last issue avaliable
Price for each issue : 10 cents
Liu Guoxiong
Liu Guoxiong
First published with four pages, subsequently increased to six pages by March 1960, New Life Evening Post’s coverage ranged from colour-printed pages devoted to film and TV entertainment in the 1950s to ‘Selections of Famous Songs from the radio’, to ‘Keys to the News’ (devoted to social news) and ‘New Life Sports’. Its ‘Life Amusement’ supplement, which first appeared in March, 1949, devoted its third page, ‘New Amusement’, to arts and literature (‘New’ and ‘Life’ sound the same in Cantonese, making the page name a pun of the supplement’s name). The page was the only one that existed throughout the New Life Evening Post’s lifespan until it ceased publication in 1975. [1]