Star Island Weekly
Editors -
Jin Zhonghua
Feng Lieshan
Ye Qifang
Luo Teshi
Dai Wangshu
Zhang Guangyu
Zhou Xin
Date of Publication
Frist issue avaliable
Frist issue avaliable
Date of Publication
Last issue avaliable
Last issue avaliable
Price for each issue : 10 cents (guobi)
Hu Hao
Hu Hao
Part of the ‘Star Franchise’ , which included numerous newspaper founded by the Aw family in various places in Asia, this weekly was founded after Singtao Daily News, Singtao Evening News and Singtao Morning News. It had a two-colour frontpage and black-and-white inner pages. The paper targeted Sinophone readers from ‘Nanyang and overseas’ with extensive reports on both Chinese and foreign news, including much coverage of China’s war with Japan, plus reviews, speeches, sketches from life, drama scripts and popular science centred on the themes of warfare and the military.